7 Ways to Raise Your Vibration
Your Vibration is What Powers Your Soul and Attracts Abundance
You’ll hear a lot of people in the Spiritual (not to be confused with religious) community talk about raising your “vibration” or “good vibes” or just “vibes.” But what does that mean?
Have you ever been around someone who doesn’t give you a “good vibe”? They make your skin crawl, or you feel like you can’t trust them, or you simply feel like you don’t like them even if you don’t know them? That’s a vibe. What about being around someone who you feel strongly is loving, nurturing and caring, like your grandma or dear aunt? That’s also a vibe.
What “vibe” are you giving off? Do you emit a “loser” vibe? Do you emit a vibe that attracts people to you? Do you give off a “lonely” vibe? These are all different ways of describing the energies we express through our souls to the Universe, the Spirit World, other humans, animals, and any other sentient beings we encounter. It’s very important to keep it clean, to purge toxic energy on a regular basis, and to keep working on yourself so that no matter who you’re around, wherever you’re at, you’re attracting other like-minded energies and people so that you receive the blessings that you most want to manifest in your life.
Your vibration will not always be solid, but you can certainly develop practices to get you to the right vibration you desire to emit and attract the energy you most want to be reflected back to you in others, situations, and let’s be honest, financial abundance to your life.
Here are 7 ways that you can plunge yourself into the “good vibes” feeling:
- Mind Your Thoughts: We spend an incredible amount of time thinking and overthinking everything in our life. We make grocery shopping lists, we think about what we’re going to post on social media, we think about what others think about us. It’s exhausting to maintain all these personas, facades, so why bother? It’s perfectly fine to sift through your emotions when you’re hurt or healing, but there’s no need to live there forever. By minding your thoughts, you raise your vibration and give yourself permission to receive positive things into your life. What you focus your mind on can oftentimes turn out to be what you attract.
- Listen to music: Music is that vibration that moves you, soothes you, gives you the feels, or allows you to resonate with the artist in ways that helps you heal from heartbreak or that makes you float on water. Sometimes music can transport you to another place and time, a memory, but most importantly, it raises your vibration by unfocusing and focusing at the same time. Music has the potential to raise your vibration or lower it, so make sure what you choose to listen to puts you in the most positive vibes possible. For me that’s listening to music in the Afrobeats genre. Afrobeats music takes me on a journey to future me, and I imagine myself dancing in my own mind, walking a Hollywood red carpet, smiling to myself and bopping in the car. For you, the music that takes you there may be a Taylor Swift tune, hip-hop music during a workout, gospel, contemporary Christian, classic rock, whatever gets you going. There is other music that is intentionally high vibrational, like spiritual frequency music (usually ends in “hz”), binaural beats or even classical music. This list is not exhaustive, but it’s a starting point if you need some inspiration.
- Be around positive people: There will always be people in our lives who lift us up and there are those who bring us down, but if we have choices of who we spend the majority of our free time with, then let it be with positive people. Positive people to you may mean people who inspire you, people you admire, friends who understand you to the core, your siblings, or even your masseuse. If you walk away from your interactions with these people and you feel uplifted, then you’ve found the right tribe to reflect the vibration you value and desire to maintain.
- Be passionate about…anything (not to be confused with obsession): Have you ever been around someone who absolutely loves what they do for a living? That’s the vibe you’re looking for. What brings you passion? Whether it’s cleaning your fridge to perfection, cooking or content creation for your social media channels, doing what you’re passionate about is one of the best ways to raise your vibration. Soon you’ll find yourself going to sleep (or waking up) with a smile on your face. Just try it!
- Being in Nature: This is a free activity that you can enjoy all by yourself or with others. Being in nature is a live-action version of music, it can take you to another place and raise your vibration. Hopefully, walking in the park or a forest, camping, white water rafting or whatever brings you closer to nature, is something that will eternally bring your joy and raise your vibe.
- Meditation: There are too many forms of meditation to name, but choose your own adventure and do what works for you. Meditation is another way to raise your vibration that costs nothing! There are plenty of videos online to help you and there are countless types of meditation, whether it’s guided, silent, or accompanied by high vibrational music. Doing chores like dishwashing, laundry or gardening, or anything that doesn’t require a lot of thinking is a form of meditation that could also raise your vibration.
- Love: Self-love is the first form of love that you must embrace to raise your vibration. It’s impossible to accept love from others if you don’t have it for yourself. So, naturally this is the first step in achieving the vibe. Romantic love, friendships and other connections that bring us joy are also higher forms of love that also should not be ignored.
Whatever you do to achieve the happiness and joy that you deserve, make sure you’re not ignoring real trauma or emotions. Seek the professional or spiritual help that you need to take you to the desired vibration. There is no magical potion that you can drink or a recipe for success. As a spiritual being, you are responsible for lifting your mood, but there are things that you can do (like in this list) on your own to achieve spiritual wellness and attract abundance of all forms into your life.
Evangeline Koru is a psychic medium, life coach and spiritual advisor. Follow her on Instagram (@evangelinekoru) or visit her website at https://evangelinetheoracle.com/