How to Reinvent Yourself and Find Your Life Purpose
8 Steps to Abundance in All Areas of Your Life Just by Being (the Real) You

If you’re even slightly awakened or at the very least self-aware, you’re constantly being reminded through stories and experiences from people in your network, in your social media feeds, in popular culture films and TV programs, that we’re heading into a global transformation where we have nowhere else to go except to step into alignment with our soul or life purpose.
All of a sudden, that “good job” paying you more money than you’ve ever made before, what you’re studying (and paying tuition for) feels like someone else’s dream and not yours, or what you tolerated in relationships — romantic, platonic, friendships or family — isn’t going to cut it anymore. You’re putting you first again, but not in a selfish way, but in the sense that you’re setting boundaries and enforcing them, you’re saying, “no” when you’re asked to do something that doesn’t serve you, or you’re finding that your old environment is completely out of whack with who you are and what pleases you.
There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re being called on to raise the vibration of this planet out of a path of darkness, chaos and confusion. History has taught us that the era that we’re in, the one of political polarization, religious conflict, warfare, and inconvenient truths being revealed, is a slippery descent into hyperfocus on the Us vs. Them mentality that so often in the past led to global and spiritual warfare.
Those of us Light Workers who are lucky enough to live during this era can see the writing on the wall, and if you can’t yet, your intuition is leading you to understand that you must act now. You don’t know what you’re supposed to be doing, but you know that you’re supposed to be doing something, but what? So what are some ways to be a light in this world just by being yourself?
8 Step Program
- Determine what feels wrong
If you’ve been feeling out of place in an environment that you’ve felt comfortable in your entire life, then that’s the niggling feeling you need to confirm that it’s time to move. Change jobs, start your own business, start that YouTube channel, find a mentor, or support a cause. Whatever it is that you think would be perfect for you, but society or your network wouldn’t approve of is exactly what you should strive for. That is the edge that you need to walk toward.
2. What feels right?
Once you’ve determined that something, some places or some people are no longer in alignment with your true self, it’s time to figure out what is. This is a long process of hits and misses, of trials and tribulations, of moving around, or going through hermit mode until you can get a handle on what direction to head in next. Go easy on yourself. There is no right answer and time is not a factor. It’s simply dealing with what is right in front of you. And if it’s too far off your soul path, the Universe will course correct for you in the form of “tower moments.” (Google it)
3. The Healing Journey
Time to remove the mask and ask yourself: Who am I? Now that you’ve established that you are ready to birth the real you and tell the world to “take me as I am or walk away” aka the silent middle finger, you can explore the you from your childhood. That’s usually a key to who you truly are because you weren’t burdened with thoughts of judgment about what you dreamed of being or doing. Maybe you dressed up as your true self for Halloween without even knowing it (well, if you were a werewolf, we may need to have a different discussion :). For example, when I was a kid, I wanted to be an astronomer because I loved looking at the stars, I wanted to publish my own magazine, and I wanted to write poetry and fiction novels. It’s taken me 40+ years to come back to those very thoughts because I have lived the status quo for too long.
Now, not everyone had a childhood where they felt safe enough to dream. If this is your case, it’s important to seek therapy and spiritual healing to break through to the real you that was hidden away. There is nothing wrong with therapy and even folks who think they had a good childhood could use some therapy to break down the myth and help them remove the mask. When you get past this point, you can work on building a new and improved foundation for yourself. You cannot build on the faulty foundations of people-pleasing, trauma bonding, lack mentality, or any other thoughts, actions and beliefs that hold you back.
4. Go easy on yourself
This journey is not for the weak. The journey back to yourself is definitely hard won. You will not be welcomed with a path filled with roses and cheering crowds. It’s going to feel like financial and mental poverty, uncertainty, like you’re the crazy one in the room, and like you don’t know what to do next. But this is where it’s actually okay to be nice to yourself because you’re building a new life and no one is pressuring you to do this except for yourself. If you knew that five years from now that you’d be a millionaire earning money from your life purpose, would you run toward your goal or would you spend all that time questioning your path and self-sabotaging it? No! None of us have a crystal ball and even if we did, that’s not how it works. Before our souls incarnated, we chose a very specific path, but sometimes the time in between the milestones are unclear. That’s why it’s so important to focus on trusting your intuition and following the path that feels natural to you. But you can’t do that until you do the work in steps 1–3.
5. Experiment
Listen, we’re not wizards and we do not just manifest success out of the gate. The road to success is a journey, it’s not a marathon. It’s not a test that you can get cheat codes to get there faster. The experimentation stage of your activation is golden. You’re going to learn things that you didn’t think you’d need to know about your customers, your following, or your business that you’d never gain by simply delegating your life to others. You will fail and you will succeed. It’s going to be a mixed bag, but nothing ventured, nothing gained. Try, try and try again.
6. Not everyone is meant for you, and you’re not meant for everyone
Getting to know the real you and walking the path of a Light Worker is tough work. You’ll find that not everyone is on your team and as you raise your vibration aka elevate yourself to more positive thinking and actions, you will lose or cut out friends, family, jobs, and environments that no longer serve you. This will feel lonely, but it is normal. You should embrace the extra time you have to work on your life purpose because when you’re done, you’ll attract the people, places and things (especially financial abundance) that reflect the real you. Get excited about this stage of your journey. You’ll find that the best ever soulmate who is meant for you will be attracted to this true version of yourself.
7. Reintroduce yourself to the world
You may not be there yet, but you feel pretty solid about the path you’ve started on. Now that you feel good about where you’re headed, reintroduce yourself to the world. Wear the clothes that speak to the new you, post about things that speak to your soul, and express yourself on whatever medium you choose. This is the you that the world and the Universe has been waiting for. This is the light that will spark a thousand unawakened souls to also be true to themselves. In turn, the gaze that you receive from admirers, haters and casual watchers will be a mixed bag, but you’ll make an impact. Think of how people are divided over controversial public figures, or royalty, or whoever you see in the public eye who sparks debates. You may not agree with them, but you’ve definitely heard of them. That’s you now.
8. Share
One of the biggest responsibilities you’ll have is sharing your journey. Whether it’s on social media, with clients who were drawn to you based on your story, or in workshops, books, or conferences. The world is a much better place with the true you walking around in it. You’re like a little battery charging up whatever space you fill. Embrace the journey because you’re going to impact a lot of people along the way. Remember where you came from and help those who are seeking guidance along the way.
Evangeline Koru is a psychic medium, life coach and spiritual advisor. Follow her on Instagram (@evangelinekoru) or visit her website at .