This article addresses hetero relationships, so my comment is addressing those relationship dynamics. In any case, this is tough topic because most independent women aren't saying that they don't NEED a man. They're saying that men need to be independent in their own life, take initiative in the courting stage, and share in chores as well if we're truly talking about being partners in a relationship. During the dating phase, adult men and women should communicate their needs in a relationship early on and not feel offended when it doesn't work for the other person. A lot of comments I hear from men is how they expect "modern independent women" to provide the same home-based chores of women before the 60s back when men worked and the women were stay at home moms that cooked, cleaned and cared for the children. Those days are gone because the cost of living requires two incomes now. If both partners are working full-time, those duties need to be shared. In a partnership, today's modern man and woman need to agree on and balance who does what and when so that these aspects of the relationship are not assumed. Some couples may want to keep traditional roles despite both working. In the dating stage, men should pursue women who align with the partnership model that works for the lifestyle they want in the future if they're looking for a partnership. Women are usually pretty up front about their relationship goals, so if they communicate that they expect you to be a partner in the relationship, then that doesn't men she is looking for a traditional role relationship. She is expecting reciprocation of energy and effort to keep the relationship healthy. In the dating stage, this might look like taking turns splitting or taking care of the check on a date. Whatever standards are agreed upon, expectations need to be communicated. I think that's the point when men give up and walk away. If the standards are too high for them, they either want to meet them or not. And if they're not interested, women have to respect that that is not the man that is right for them. Seems easier when people communicate and respect that folks have free will.